Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Weight Progress So Far: Updated Every Day

This is the progress of my weight loss in pounds. I will be updating this daily.

Friday: Pre-Cleanse Day (This day isn't actually part of the cleanse): 222
Saturday:    Day 01: 222
Sunday:      Day 02: 220
Monday:     Day 03: 218
Tuesday:     Day 04: 218
Wednesday:Day 05: 216
Thursday    Day 06: 215
Friday         Day 07: 212
Saturday     Day 08: 211
Sunday       Day 09: 213
Monday      Day 10: 210
Tuesday      Day 11: 210
Wednesday:Day 12: 208 *Woohoo!!!
Thursday:   Day 13: 208
Friday:        Day 14: 206
Saturday:    Day 15: 206
Sunday:      Day 16: 205
Monday:     Day 17: 203
Tuesday:     Day 18: 203
Wednesday:Day 19: 202 ****Finally @ 20 pound loss****
Thursday:   Day 20: 199 ****OMG, I haven't been this weight for over 5 years!****
Friday:        Day 21: 197
Saturday:    Day 22: 196
Sunday:      Day 23: 196*Didn't drink enough fluids*
Monday:     Day 24: 195
Tuesday:     Day 25: 195
Wednesday:Day 26: 196
Thursday:   Day 27: 196
Friday:        Day 28: 196
Saturday:    Day 29: 194 *What a relief to finally see some movement
Sunday:      Day 30: 193
Monday:    Day 31: 192
Tuesday:     Day 32: 192
Wednesday:Day 33: 192
Thursday:    Day 34: 192
Friday:        Day 35: 192
Saturday:    Day 36: 190

Day 36 - 12/31/11 - This Is Getting Harder

Yesterday I almost quit this whole cleanse. I was feeling so nauseasous and sick, I had to nap throughout the day to stop from feeling so miserable. I've been feeling so awful and even jealous that everybody was eating junk. However, I did not stick food in my mouth. I drank more water but I guess it wasn't enough because my urine wasn't clear. I have to assume I'm quite dehydrated, which could explain my headaches.

This morning I woke up feeling so much better. And I lost 2 more pounds. So I guess that kind of make up for the horrible day.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 32 - 12/27/11 - Confessions :(

Everyday is getting harder and harder to do. I thought I'd be used to food constantly in my face. WRONG! I did manage to freeze Christmas food, to give me incentive that I could eventually eat that dish, although I probably wouldn't when the chance comes. It was just a nice visual to see in my freezer.

I however did do something very very bad. I ate a piece of chocolate. Not a whole bar, but a square of it. It was worth 70 calories but it was still a bad move on my part. I paid for it in a really bad stomach ache. I was in pain. My tooth was hurting as well. I felt so guilty afterwards, but it was sooooo good.

Why even mention this? To prove that I'm not perfect and had fell for temptations as well. I have to plan this better, I know. I'm only halfway through this cleanse.

I really miss eating, but seeing the results, keep me going.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 29 - My Body Measurements

I had a really difficult week due to the holidays. But at least I still have measurements to show improvements. They weren't as great a decrease but I'm still moving forward.

                                           Difference           Total Loss

Chest               44"               -1/2"                   -1"

Waist               39"                  -1"                   -4"

Hips                 45"                 -2"                    -6"

Upper Arms     14 1/2"             -1"                 -2 1/2"

Thighs              24"                  1/2"                 -2"

Calves              16 3/4"            -3/4"               -1 1/4"

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 24 - 12/19/11 - A.M. Talks About Exercise

I woke up to at least a one pound weight loss, still a loss in my book. I know I gotta drink more fluids today because my urine was so dark, meaning I'm dehydrated. It could explain why I wasn't feeling good last night.

I hope to get the guts to try out my first exercise regimen. I'm not looking for to it actually, but I know I'll get used to it just like I am with this whole lemonade thing. They say 28 days makes it a habit. I'm formulating that it will be part of my lifestyle by the time I'm done with this whole cleansing thing. I really want to feel my best before my son's birthday, February 14. Which also happens to be Valentine's Day. I want to be able to fit into a nice dress by then. I never wear nice things because of how I feel I look in them and the literal size I have to buy, which by the way has the worst looking collection of dresses.

Anywho, here is to my first day of exercise! I'll catch in a P.M. blog about my results.

Day 23 - 12/19/11 - Dehydrated and My Wierd Dream

I went holiday shopping, nightmare for my cleanse/diet! I did bring my lemonade drink in a jug. Let me tell you, it was the heaviest thing I've ever lugged around in my bag. I kept getting nauseous and wanted to gag. Maybe it was because I wasn't drinking enough fluids or I could assume it was the reason why.

I went to bed early because of how sick I felt. I had a dream that night that I messed EVERYTHING up by gorging on food. I didn't care in my dream, I was just happy to eat! I woke up in the middle of that dream thinking that I really did that. To my relief it was just a dream. I really have to look up the meaning of that.

Okay out of curiosity, I looked it up and this is what it said:

To dream of eating: If you are currently dieting in your waking life, then the dream may serve to compensate for the sustenance that you are lacking.

PHEW! To think it was something more tragic...I guess it means I just miss food. And I need to nourish myself, maybe with more fluids? :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 22 - 12/17/11 - Photos (I hate photos)

I want to share my body transformation. I know that it's hard to visualize what my body is going through unless I keep track of myself visually and via tape measurements. I hadn't taken pictures of myself for so long, I really hate to because of my weight. But this is a real journey and it serves as a self-reminder of what my real goals are. So here are my updated pics, I haven't taken any before...sorry about that. Next time I'll wear tighter clothes. I don't own any that fit me yet. Everything is loose because I wear things that hide my body. This is as tight as they get.

Day 22 - 12/17/11 - A.M Post

I've lost another pound. I went to sleep last night early because I felt sick. I don't know why. I'm not sure if I didn't drink enough water or if the water made me feel sick. My brother-in-law bought the house Sparkletts Purified Water. That stuff tastes so gross, there's an awful after taste. I asked my husband  if he could taste what I was tasting and he said he could taste something too. He assumed it was a chlorine taste to purify the water. I could hardly stand the taste, faucet water tasted way better than this stuff!

After going to bed early, I felt way more refreshed today. I noticed that others eating around me is starting to bother me a little bit. I think I miss eating food. Just the action of eating. It became so bad that I sat down while watching t.v. making a chewing movement. I couldn't stop. I think I'm going to have to start chewing some sugar free gum to get rid of that desire. I know I'm not supposed to but I'm feeling the effects of not eating. :(

However, I did notice that my face is very clear. I hardly break out. So I have to assume that my regular diet has something to do with my reoccurring breakouts of acne. It could be the soda or sugars. It could be meat or yeasts. I don't know. I know I'm lactose intolerant. There's so much to figure out.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 21 - 12/16/11

Last night I went through my exercise dvd's again and watched a couple of routines to see what can suit my needs. I haven't really exercised for way too many years, so I know I want to take it easy. I get easily winded down, so I definitely can't do cardio just yet.

I picked weight training over cardio for the simple fact that I don't have to run around getting discouraged and out of breath. With weights I can gain lean muscle and still lose weight. I do have to take into account that this might keep my actual weight stagnant, but I should see a big difference at weekly body measurements.

I'm still iffy about which training program.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Body Measurements on 12/15/11

I'm currently 199 pounds. These are my measurements on my 20th day:

                                           Difference           Total Loss
Chest               44.5"               -1/2"                   -1/2"
Waist               40"                  -3"                      -3"
Hips                 47"                 -4"                      -4"
Upper Arms     15.5"              -1 1/2"               -1 1/2"
Thighs              25.5"             -1 1/2"                -1 1/2"
Calves              17.5"             -1/2"                   -1/2"

Drumroll please: In ONE WEEK I've lost 11" WITHOUT exercise.

I'm still planning on exercising. I've looked through my exercise dvd's to see what regimen is good for me.

Don't forget that everybody has their own body type. Mine happen to be hourglass in a large frame. I've always been large frame even at my skinniest in high school. Even at my small stature :(.

Day 20 - 12/15/11 Breaking My 200 Pound Mark!

I've never been so happy to see my weight BELOWWWWW 200 pounds for the first time in 5 years! I'm so amped up that I'm looking into an exercise regimen in the next couple of days.

I had gone on another photo shoot for a client and had no resources for water and what not. I prepared this time by drinking a lemonade drink right before leaving. I had to buy some bottled water and sugar free GUM. Yes, gum. I needed something to keep my breath at bay. I've noticed that my breath has become so horrible since I've started this whole thing. Brushing, flossing and gargling with mouthwash hasn't worked! I know there is mention about a white coated tongue in the Master Cleanse booklet, so I know it's considered "normal" during this process. I just haven't experienced the coating, although I have experienced the rancid breath that others have complained about. Sheesh.

My stats are astounding for myself. I can't wait until this 60 days are over, I've already told my family that I want to start shopping and cooking healthier. Go to fast food restaurants WAY less and cook more fish and vegetables. My husband agreed to my new shopping list. I'm quite ecstatic. :D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 18 - 12/13/11

I've been feeling lazy lately, not wanting to even drink the salt water or my juice. I'll be suffering the next day for it because I'm sure my weight won't move. I know I'll lose the weight, but the constant timing of everything is just a pain. Although I'm sure this is teaching me to eat every two to three hours. I think I understand how eating every two to three hours can keep you full. The juice does the same thing.

Nothing else to report here.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 17 - 12/12/11

I stepped on the scale and was pleased to see another drop in my weight: 203 pounds. I love immediate results! I know the salt water flush is dramatically becoming harder and harder to do. I couldn't finish the last quarter of a cup. I kept gagging and threw up the last gulp I was able to take. The taste of the salt is so potent. Even when I drank some water to clear the taste, it couldn't stop me from throwing up the last gulp of salt water. I drank so much water to get rid of the taste, my stomach felt full right away. I think that has a great deal with why I couldn't hold anymore salt water. I'll try lemons instead tomorrow. Hopefully that will work.

In the meantime, I'm going to work on listening to hypnosis tracks. I bought two sets of earphones, one for on the go listening and the other for home. I hate to wear earbud earphones for long periods of time, it starts to make my ear itch from it sitting in my ear canal too long. The hypnosis tracks I'm planning to listen to for the next two weeks are for exercise and weight setpoints. I chose an exercise track to help get my mindset to wanting exercise (I've been reviewing my exercise videos to watch a modified version of what I'm supposed to do.) The weight setpoint track is supposed to help me modify by bodies setpoint to a lower body weight. I truly believe hypnosis can help guide you to your desired state as long as you take action in addition to listening to the tracks consistently. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 16 - 12/11/11 Unprepared Day 2

So continuing on to what happened yesterday. I didn't expect to have stayed overnight at my mom's house. I didn't get home until 6am. I didn't have any ingredients to make my lemonade drink. Whatever I had left in my container from yesterday had gone bad, I drank some of it and it tasted spoiled.

I literally went without any drinks except for water until I could get home. No saltwater flush done for the day and no lemonade drinks until I arrived at home. I couldn't even get on a scale UNTIL I went home. I have no idea why she does not own a scale, but I need to record consistency with weight on the same scale anyhow.

Unfortunately since I'm OBSESSED with this whole diet/fast thing, I was more concerned about getting home to my routine. My sense of smell was so heightened, I could literally smell my grandmother's bowl of soup 10 feet away. It was torture, my family makes the best home cooked food I've ever tasted. The stove was boiling with the most tastiest aroma. Not that I make awful food at home, I can't really smell my own cooking as strongly as I can others who cook. I wonder if that makes sense.

When I arrived home, I jumped on the scale. I felt relieved just to get on it. I immediately ran into the kitchen and made myself a lemonade drink and a batch of juice for the next day. I missed more than half of my drinks for the day, so I doubled up on the maple syrup to boost the calorie intake. I had my senna tea right before bedtime.

I realize that I could suffer greatly without a backup plan. I need to expect the unexpected. I think whenever I go out with family, I should pack a lemonade diet "survival kit". Excluding my scale of course, ALTHOUGH that would be nice :D I would just get all my ingredients in tupperware and bottles and put them in a small ice chest or lunch cooler. This way, I have the basics to tote with me wherever I go. I'll carry some unsqueezed lemons in a ziplock since the drinks seem to spoil if you can't refrigerate the juices.

I'd  say this was a very big reality check for me. I definitely don't want this happening to me again.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 15 - 12/10/11 Unprepared!

I already started off on the wrong path. I had my salt water flush about 2 hours later from when I usually do it. I made my lemonade drinks even more later than that (I don't know why I didn't prepare it the night before like I usually do).

As I was accomplishing things later than planned, I realized I didn't even drink my first lemonade drink. I was already disappointed at myself. But I got back on track (or so I thought). From 2pm I was drinking in regular intervals, but I didn't have much access to water. I could chug tons of water, so for the first time since I started, faucet water wasn't even available to me. I really need to think ahead next time, plan for the unplanned I guess.

Things progressed from bad to worse, when I went out with my mom to spend the evening at the casino (I'm not a gambler but I do enjoy it as entertainment every once in awhile). There was no way I could bring my "drinks" in with me and there weren't any water fountains even though I was provided complimentary water, it just wasn't enough. I was frustrated but that was my fault for not thinking ahead.

So the key phrases of the day is: THINK AHEAD - PREPARE AHEAD - ADAPT

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 14 - 12/09/11


Talk about an emotional day. I've been baking and cooking like crazy and trying to force my family to eat it - just so I can get jealous that they could eat everything I can't. I know it's pretty childish. I have to have more control. I woke up happy that I finally moved my weight down two notches.

I had to do some grocery shopping today. I felt detached to all the food, UNTIL I got home. There was some negativity here and there. A lot of self-talk. It seems that there is a pattern that nearing the evening, it would get easier for me. It's the daytime that gets to me. I'm not sure why.

I stopped checking the scale too often. The first couple of days I was checking every hour. I noticed that it fluctuated so much from hour to hour - it became exhausting. So I usually check my weight right after my first bathroom stop, but before my salt water flush (I retain the salt throughout the day). Then near the end of the evening...just to help remind me to drink more water. Otherwise, it would be a letdown.

I'm wondering if I should keep the adjusted formula I came up with for my lemonade or change it up a bit. Not that I want to accelerate my weight loss, although that WOULD be nice. I just want that salt out of my system.

Tomorrow will be my test, I'm going to be visiting family and taking my lemonade with me. Hopefully I can survive this whole ordeal. I know my family always cooks up my favorite dishes. Oh no, my favorite dishes! We'll see, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 13 - 12/08/11

Had to struggle today to make up for yesterdays stagnant weight. I chugged more water nearing the end of the day. I noticed that my urine was slightly darker today, until I started drinking more water. After that it lightened up.

I was more crankier today than other days. I think I'm really starting to miss food. But I made a statement out loud to my family that I'm doing this for my health. By saying it out loud, I was able to keep focused to my real goal. After all, I spent almost 2 weeks doing this, I must stay committed.

I'm still at 208, **sigh**

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 12 - 12/07/11

I now understand how hard this cleanse can be for others - who work outside of home. I did a photo shoot for a friend. I had to take pictures for a couple of hours and that had cut into my regimen. I should've prepared better for it, but at least I was able to buy a water bottle.

I assume my weight will be stagnate for another day. :( But I know it's because I didn't drink enough water and skipped out on the lemonade drinks. Now that I've seen how sidetracked I can get outside of the home, I'll need to prepare better for this. Call it a work in progress.

I wasn't hungry today and that also became my downfall. I understand that drinking the lemonade mix is supposed to crucial to this diet. And it has to be a minimum of 6 ten ounce glasses. And I'm actually really energetic in comparison to yesterday. I felt like I could take over the world. And cooking for the kids seemed a bit

I'm trying to down the rest of my lemonade mix and water as well. I feel soooo full. Hopefully it will semi make-up for earlier. We'll have to see.

Looking forward to day 13.

My Modified Version of Lemonade Diet Recipe

This is the recipe that I modified for my weight loss:
12 Tablespoons of Fresh Lemonade and Limade (half and half of each)
06 Tablespoons of Maple Syrup Grade "B"
1/2 Teaspoon of
60 Ounces of Water

Mix the entire ingredients into a big jug. Shake and stick it in the refridgerator for the next day.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 11 - 12/06/11

I'm finally going to attempt to blog or vlog the night of the actually day I'm reviewing.


I've been obsessing about FOOD and being HUNGRY all day long! My worse thought was craving McDonald's Chicken Nuggets in a vat of BBQ sauce...yummmmm. My mouth is watering as I write this. I fed the kids the rest of the tamales which they happily gobbled up. That actually made me happy because my oldest was very sick this morning and couldn't even eat.

The saddest thoughts that have gone through my mind, is that I had a hard time feeling sorry for people complaining about how "hungry" they were or that they were "starving". I just wanted to chuck a book or some object across the room with the thoughts of "LIKE THEY KNOW!" running at the back of my mind. I'm not talking about homeless folks or anything, just people who prolonged eating by a couple of hours or so. This cleanse has really tested me so far, I mean REALLY tested me.

I think one of the greatest symptoms which has become my enemy at the same time, is gaining a clearer sense of smell and taste. I'm happy because I can finally smell things around me, like flowers and great cooking or my own perfume. The bad - I literally feel sick to my stomach or get headaches from the not-so-great smells. Like trash or dirty clothes or food that spoiled. My head was pounding after cleaning up something that didn't smell too appealing. I was literally upset. To top that off, I have been getting sick of the salt water drinks. I wanted to throw it up, I never had that urge before except for the last two days. The taste was so strong that I had to take breaths and suck on a lemon. I used to chug the whole thing in about a minute. It dawned on my that as I progress, it might actually become harder to do.

I'm just glad day 11 is OVER! I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.

My Body Measurements on 12/06/11

I wanted to keep track of my body measurements, in case my weight doesn't move...I'm planning on starting an exercise regimen in the next day or two. If the scale isn't reflecting accurately as far as actual weight loss, it should show with my body measurements. These measurements are taken with a plastic flimsy tape measure. I didn't record my measurements when I started this cleanse.

Chest                 45"
Waist                 43"
Hips                  51"
Upper Arms      17"
Thighs               27"
Calves               18"

Day 10 - 12/05/11

I'm writing my post a day later because I ended up going to bed early. I just didn't feel that great. I'm not sure if it's because the lack of calories. I do admit I didn't drink as much water as I did the other day. I found my sweatsuit (the sauna kind made of plastic). The oddest thing happened...I couldn't sweat. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the fact that I was already cold even with my heater running (at least it kept me warm :D).

I've noticed that I've been really cold lately and sensitive to smells lately. Food seems more enticing, although I'm committed to this program. I've been pretty productive during the day and suddenly feel run down close to the evening. At least it gets me to bed on time, so there's less chance of temptation to eat.

My greatest feat of the day happens to be not eating one of my favorite foods, tamales (which my mother-in-law made from scratch). I wanted to scream and eat the whole bag, there was 20 or so pieces. The smell was so invigorating because I haven't eaten any mexican food for a pretty long time. I had to step away from the kitchen this time because my stomach actually growled - it hadn't done that for a a couple of days. I still have some tamales in the refrigerator and yet I refuse to ruin this work I've done to get where I'm at.

I think the worse part of my day happens to be the salt water. The taste is more, "salty"...if that even makes sense. I guess with sensitivity to smell comes sensitivity to taste. I guess this is what makes this cleanse more harder as the days go by. Luckily, I can suck on a lemon as I chug the salt water down.

Hope day 11 is much better.