Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 16 - 12/11/11 Unprepared Day 2

So continuing on to what happened yesterday. I didn't expect to have stayed overnight at my mom's house. I didn't get home until 6am. I didn't have any ingredients to make my lemonade drink. Whatever I had left in my container from yesterday had gone bad, I drank some of it and it tasted spoiled.

I literally went without any drinks except for water until I could get home. No saltwater flush done for the day and no lemonade drinks until I arrived at home. I couldn't even get on a scale UNTIL I went home. I have no idea why she does not own a scale, but I need to record consistency with weight on the same scale anyhow.

Unfortunately since I'm OBSESSED with this whole diet/fast thing, I was more concerned about getting home to my routine. My sense of smell was so heightened, I could literally smell my grandmother's bowl of soup 10 feet away. It was torture, my family makes the best home cooked food I've ever tasted. The stove was boiling with the most tastiest aroma. Not that I make awful food at home, I can't really smell my own cooking as strongly as I can others who cook. I wonder if that makes sense.

When I arrived home, I jumped on the scale. I felt relieved just to get on it. I immediately ran into the kitchen and made myself a lemonade drink and a batch of juice for the next day. I missed more than half of my drinks for the day, so I doubled up on the maple syrup to boost the calorie intake. I had my senna tea right before bedtime.

I realize that I could suffer greatly without a backup plan. I need to expect the unexpected. I think whenever I go out with family, I should pack a lemonade diet "survival kit". Excluding my scale of course, ALTHOUGH that would be nice :D I would just get all my ingredients in tupperware and bottles and put them in a small ice chest or lunch cooler. This way, I have the basics to tote with me wherever I go. I'll carry some unsqueezed lemons in a ziplock since the drinks seem to spoil if you can't refrigerate the juices.

I'd  say this was a very big reality check for me. I definitely don't want this happening to me again.

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